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3P Biopharmaceuticals joins International Day of Women and Girls in Science

At 3P Biopharmaceuticals we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, and we want to do so by appreciating and thanking each of the women that forms part of the 3P team

3P Biopharmaceuticals joins International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Science and innovation do not understand gender, and at 3P Biopharmaceuticals it is a real fact.

Out of the 270 current employees at 3P, 167 are women, or in other words, more than 61% of the staff at 3P Biopharmaceuticals are women.

In addition, these women that represent 19 nationalities are highly qualified professionals who possess degrees, including masters and doctorates, in different branches of Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Microbiology or Biomedicine. Some of these women have also obtained a higher professional background in disciplines such as Quality Analysis and Control, Environmental Health, Laboratory Technician, Pathological Anatomy or Cytodiagnosis.

Why is the International Women and Grils in Science Day Celebrated?

In 2016 the United Nations (UN) General Assembly decided to proclaim the 11th of February as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science to promote access to and full and equal participation in science for women and girls, and to achieve gender equality and empowerment.

According to UNESCO data, less than 30% of researchers worldwide are women and only 30% of female students choose to pursue higher education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Moreover, the representation of women working in science on the big screen is limited to only 12%.

That is why today, the 11th of February, we want to make visible the excellent work of the 167 women working at 3P, more than 61% of our staff. In this way, we want to promote the important role of women in science and give value to their work.

Furthermore, we hope to serve as an example or motivation for all girls and women who are passionate about science.

What does a CDMO Like 3P Biopharmaceuticals Do?

3P Biopharmaceuticals is a CDMO (Contract Development Manufacturing Organization) biotechnology company specializing in process development and cGMP manufacturing of biological medicines as well as cell therapy products.

We work with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies from around the world that are developing drugs for the treatment of different diseases.

For this reason, 3P Biopharmaceuticals is a company in the biotechnology sector that is made up of a highly qualified team of both men and women, who independent of their gender, lead highly innovative projects whose impact contributes to improving the lives of many people.

In this way, what better way to make our day-to-day visible than to share the work that some of these women do within the company and perhaps, be an inspiration to all those girls and women who want to work in the field of science.

For example:


Aurora Solana is the Analytical Services Director at 3P Biopharmaceuticals, and her department is responsible for continuous improvements in analytical methods to ensure the quality, safety and efficacy for patients. “I am proud to be part of a team of more than 95 people between AMD (Analytical Methods Development) and QC (Quality Control) dedicated to the research and control of drugs in which 67% are women” she explains.


Eva Martinez is Head of Quality Control and Biological Laboratory, which includes the Microbiology, Biochemistry and Bioassay laboratories “we are responsible for giving direct support to the manufacturing processes and issuing certificates of analysis for the release of batches. In the bioassay laboratory, we also develop analytical methods according to the needs of our customers and then carry out the validation of these methods so that they can be used in a GMP environment. Also, as part of Quality Control, we carry out stability studies of manufactured products“.


Elena Erroba is Business Development Director, and as she explains “my work is focused on managing successful, long-term relationships with biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies that place their trust in 3P Biopharmaceuticals for the process development and manufacture of their biological medicines“.


Cristina Huerta is Technical Services Technician, and among other things, she oversees “the elaboration of the validation documentation of the manufacturing process of an active ingredient for adult patients with malignant tumours treated with chemotherapy. This documentation is necessary to demonstrate the quality of the product and to request the necessary permission from the regulatory agencies to put the product on the market“.


Olga Morejon is Head of Process Development and highlights that “in Process Development 65% of the team are women who carry out diverse activities from the group and team responsibility to the operation of complex equipment with a high technological level. Women in this area participate in the design and optimization of processes to produce medicines for the treatment of multiple diseases in both humans and animals“.


Paula Serrano is Head of Molecular Biology and Cell Banking. She explains “my work is in the beginning of the manufacturing of a new medicine. I am genetically modifying prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell lines to make them express the protein of interest, which once purified, will be the active ingredient of a drug. In addition, I am responsible for the manufacture of master cell banks that will be the source of the cell growth needed for the manufacturing process.”


Veronica Fernandez is Cellular Therapy Technician and her activity is developed in two areas “as a Cellular Therapy Technician I participate in manufacturing processes of Advanced Therapy Medicines and as Technical Services Technician I participate in the design and management of process and equipment validations, qualifications, transfer and monitoring of GMP processes implemented in the Production Plant, management of protocols, records and reports, risk analysis and associated activity within the framework of the 3P Quality System“.

These are some very motivating examples, but there are many more highly skilled women working at 3P Biopharmaceuticals every day to develop and manufacture biological medicines according to the highest standard of quality.

Science and research are not a question of gender, but of talent, ability and passion to improve the lives of others.