
Internal Whistleblower Policy.

It is a priority for 3PBIOVIAN to require and promote among its professionals compliance with the legal provisions and the policies and procedures that are part of its corporate governance system, including the Code of Conduct.


Therefore, it is of vital importance to know the possible improper acts or omissions, irregular or contrary to such regulations that may occur.

The following paragraphs shall apply exclusively to 3P Biopharmaceuticals, S.L.U. (hereinafter referred to as “3P”), as Spanish Company of the combined 3PBIOVIAN.

For this purpose and in compliance with the requirements of Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of persons who report breaches of regulations and the fight against corruption, 3P has implemented the corresponding Internal Reporting System for employees, suppliers, subcontractors, business partners or third parties to report any possible misconduct of which they may become aware.

Through the following link you can access the Internal Whistleblower Channel to report any potential misconduct of which you may become aware:

Such communication may be anonymous and in any case compliance with the requirements of confidentiality and protection of personal data is guaranteed.

In addition to being able to report information through the Internal Whistleblower Channel, the applicable regulations also provide for the creation of an independent authority to which reporters can report, either directly or after reporting through the Internal Whistleblower Channel, any misconduct on the part of Whistleblowers, thus acting as an external reporting channel. This external channel is the “Independent Authority for Informant Protection, I.A.P.A.”.